How we consume, metabolize, and react to alcohol is influenced by our gender. Some of these differences are biological, while others are sociological, linked to gender roles in society.
According to numerous studies, men and women metabolize alcohol differently, resulting in different short- and long-term health repercussions. In addition, men and women, including transgender people, use and misuse alcohol differently depending on their gender identification.
Having this crucial information at the tip of your hands could come in handy if you’re a driver and an alcohol consumer.
Does gender have a Role to Play in How alcohol affects Different People?
Historically, men are substantially more likely than women to consume alcohol, though this gap appears to close as women’s rates rise. High-risk drinking among women increased by roughly 58 percent between 2003 and 2013. This could be due to a cultural shift in attitudes toward gender and drinking, particularly among millennials.
The Effects of Alcohol on Men vs. Women
Gender identity can influence how much you drink and how likely you abuse alcohol. However, biological sex significantly impacts how a person’s body metabolizes alcohol. Therefore, male and female biology are affected differently by alcohol use and abuse in the short and long term.
The issue isn’t just that women have traditionally consumed more alcohol. Women’s bodies are influenced differently by alcohol than men’s bodies, according to researchers, for reasons that go beyond their physical size.
Female bodies have a higher amount of fat and less water than male bodies. Because alcohol is diluted by water and retained by fat, female organs are exposed to higher levels of alcohol for longer periods. Furthermore, women have a lower level of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol before it enters the bloodstream. As a result, even when body weight is considered, female blood levels of alcohol are higher than male blood levels at any given dose. As a result, a woman’s one drink is nearly equal to a man’s two drinks.
At this point, you’re probably wondering why this matters in the legal field. Having this knowledge could help you make an informed decision before you go behind the wheel? For example, how many drinks is enough for me? How long does alcohol take to wear off? Should I reveal to law enforcement officers that I’ve only had one drink?
In general, according to Section 23152 of California’s Vehicle Code, one of the DUI charges is when you’re driving with a BAC level of 0.08% in your system. Whether that was one drink or five, law enforcement will only care about what the breathalyzer says. From the time law enforcement suspect you of DUI, one of the things they will try to do is trick you into admitting that you were intoxicated while behind the wheel. Please don’t fall for it! We previously talked about law enforcement’s tricks when they pull you over for a DUI. If you’re prepared with some basic biology, you can manage to avoid a DUI arrest altogether.
The Criminal Defense Heroes P.C., are the best at what they do in DUI cases, so you need to reach out to us immediately at +323-529-3660 if you’re facing DUI charges.