LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT, TORRANCE COURTHOUSE — My client had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, due to a failure to comply with terms of his probation. He came to me very worried about being arrested, having his probation revoked, and being sent to jail. I helped him avoid all of these consequences.

This individual had been previously convicted of driving on a suspended license and was sentenced to probation. He had been ordered to appear for a progress report, but had missed the court date. He was rightfully concerned that the judge might violate his probation and send him to jail. He also had conditions of probation outstanding, including community service obligations and fines that he had not yet paid.
I accompanied my client to court, and explained to the judge some of the hardships that had prevented my client from completing these obligations within the initial timeline set by the court. My client paid the remaining fines and we setup a workable schedule for him to complete his community service hours. The warrant was recalled and quashed (cancelled), and no probation violation occurred.
My client is working and going to school, and a jail sentence would have threatened both his job and his GPA. We successfully avoided any interruption, and helped keep him on the path toward a productive and successful career.