Torrance DUI Case Dismissed!

On February 13, 2025, we got another Torrance DUI case dismissed. Every case is different, and we cannot guarantee results in any particular case. We use a variety of methods to analyze the facts of each case and work up a mitigation package to demonstrate our client’s good qualities. Our lead attorney has more training than the average police officer in field sobriety testing and DUI investigations. He has personally tested human blood samples for alcohol using gas chromatography — the same technology that the LA County Crime Lab uses. So, we are uniquely positioned to analyze the police procedures and scientific issues in a Torrance DUI case.

The Facts

The Palos Verdes Police Department made this traffic stop and arrested the client for DUI. The case went to the Torrance Courthouse. This client was pulled over for running a stop sign in Palos Verdes at 1:59 a.m.. The police saw that his eyes were watery/glassy, and smelled an odor of alcohol when he opened the door. He admitted to drinking a glass of wine. The police asked him out of the vehicle to do field sobriety tests.

We always recommend that people should not answer questions that the police ask, and should not do field sobriety tests. However, most of our clients answer questions and participate in SFSTs. In this case, the police did not conduct the SFSTs as they were intended. But our client also did not execute the tests very well.

The client declined to blow into the preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) device — that’s a breathalyzer in the field, prior to an arrest. We recommend that people should not do this test. Nonetheless, the police arrested him.

After a DUI arrest, the person has an option to do either a blood test or a breath test. In this case, our client chose breath. He blew into a breathalyzer at the police station.

He blew .18 BAC on the DataMaster DMT breathalyzer machine at 3:00 a.m. The police cited him out with a notice to appear for his Torrance DUI case a few months later. Then, he called us!

Torrance DUI Dismissed!

As part of our intake process, we asked a lot of questions to identify possible issues in the case, and to get to know our new client. We discovered that he’s a veteran of the United States Navy, where he was ridiculed for his sexual orientation. This led to anxiety and drinking to self-medicate. We sent this Torrance DUI client to our expert mental health evaluator and got back a report confirming this diagnosis from his military service. Using our expert’s report, we put together a motion for veterans diversion pursuant to California Penal Code section 1001.80. The judge granted diversion, blessed our expert’s treatment plan, and set the case on track for dismissal.

This Torrance DUI client was on diversion for 12 months. During that time, he completed treatment and AA meetings. The attorney attended court progress reports. And the case was dismissed after the client met all of the requirements. There have been some recent changes to California’s military/veteran diversion laws, so it’s important to have an attorney who keeps up to date.

Arrested for a Torrance DUI?

If you have been arrested for a DUI that goes to the Torrance courthouse, it’s important to have a lawyer who knows the local judges and prosecutors. Our firm is based in Torrance, our lead attorney lives in Torrance and grew up in the South Bay. Torrance courthouse is our home court, where we get great results. Call your Criminal Defense Heroes today at  323-529-3660 for a consultation.

The DUI Attorney Don Hammond


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Now What? A Primer for the Accused today for free.